;Reading at top level in Lisp Listener 1. ;Reading in base 10 in package LAMBDA with standard Zetalisp readtable. () NIL (foo) ;Back to top level in Lisp Listener 1. (si:report-elapsed-time standard-output 0 'foo 'list) Starting FOO... Finished -- process took 0.045 seconds 0.00 seconds disk wait NIL (gc:full-gc :mode :system-release) Starting FULL-GC... Starting reclamation of oldspace... Finished -- process took 383 microseconds 0.00 microseconds disk wait Starting before full gc initializations... Finished -- process took 0.751 seconds 0.58 seconds disk wait Starting removal of previous method definitions... Finished -- process took 1 minute 7 seconds 56 seconds disk wait. Starting removal of previous symbol function definitions... Finished -- process took 1 minute 37 seconds 1 minute 2 seconds disk wait. Starting linearization of flavor plists... Finished -- process took 1 minute 8 seconds 41 seconds disk wait. Starting linearization of symbol plists... Finished -- process took 3 minutes 15 seconds 2 minutes 18 seconds disk wait. Starting turning off gc, reclaim oldspace... ...Finished turning off gc, reclaim oldspace -- process took 11.3 seconds 8.18 seconds disk wait Starting flip and reclaim level 0... GC: Flipped 10,205,778 words of volatility 0 storage GC: Reclaimed 1,874,591 words of storage (18%) ...Finished flip and reclaim level 0 -- process took 2 hours 40 seconds 35 minutes 13 seconds disk wait. Starting flip and reclaim level 0... GC: Flipped 8,525,974 words of volatility 0 storage GC: Reclaimed 194,646 words of storage (2%) ...Finished flip and reclaim level 0 -- process took 1 hour 48 minutes 24 minutes 4 seconds disk wait. Starting after full gc initializations... ...Finished after full gc initializations -- process took 2 minutes 4 seconds 1 minute 14 seconds disk wait. ...Finished FULL-GC -- process took 3 hours 58 minutes 25 seconds 1 hour 5 minutes 51 seconds disk wait. NIL (print-herald) LMI Lambda Release 3.0 (Alpha Test), band 2 of lam2 lam2b. (a3 updated) 1536K physical memory, 32511K virtual memory, NuBus slot 0. Experimental System 110.229 Experimental Lambda-Diag 7.13 Experimental Local-File 68.7 Experimental FILE-Server 18.4 Experimental Unix-Interface 9.1 Experimental ZMail 65.14 Experimental Object Lisp 3.3 Experimental Tape 6.38 Experimental Site Data Editor 3.3 Experimental Tiger 24.0 Experimental KERMIT 31.3 Experimental Window-Maker 1.1 Experimental Gateway 4.8 Experimental TCP-Kernel 39.7 Experimental TCP-User 62.7 Experimental TCP-Server 45.5 Experimental MEDIUM-RESOLUTION-COLOR 3.4 Experimental MICRO-COMPILATION-TOOLS 3.2 Experimental DOE-Macsyma 1.1 Microcode 1508 SDU 3.12 LMI Lambda Two, with associated machine LAD. NIL (room t) Physical memory: #o6000000 (1536K), Free space: #o120500000 (20640K), Wired pages 169+63 (58K) Unless otherwise noted, area names are in the SYSTEM package RESIDENT-SYMBOL-AREA.....................(1 region) 12/400 used. 96% free. SYSTEM-COMMUNICATION-AREA................(1 region) 35/400 used. 88% free. SCRATCH-PAD-INIT-AREA....................(1 region) 32/400 used. 89% free. MICRO-CODE-SYMBOL-AREA...................(1 region) 0/3000 used. 100% free. REGION-ORIGIN............................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. REGION-LENGTH............................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. REGION-BITS..............................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. REGION-FREE-POINTER......................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. WIRED-DISK-BUFFER........................(1 region) 0/400 used. 100% free. PAGE-TABLE-AREA..........................(1 region) 0/200000 used. 100% free. PHYSICAL-PAGE-DATA.......................(1 region) 0/100000 used. 100% free. ADDRESS-SPACE-MAP........................(1 region) 1000/1000 used. 0% free. VIRTUAL-PAGE-VOLATILITY..................(1 region) 20000/20000 used. 0% free. REGION-MAXIMUM-VIRTUAL-PAGE-VOLATILITY...(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. REGION-GC-POINTER........................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. REGION-LIST-THREAD.......................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. REGION-ALLOCATION-STATUS.................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. REGION-AREA-MAP..........................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. AREA-NAME................................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. AREA-REGION-LIST.........................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. AREA-REGION-BITS.........................(1 region) 400/400 used. 0% free. AREA-REGION-SIZE.........................(1 region) 2000/2000 used. 0% free. SUPPORT-ENTRY-VECTOR.....................(1 region) 20/400 used. 93% free. CONSTANTS-AREA...........................(1 region) 77/1400 used. 91% free. EXTRA-PDL-AREA...........................(1 region) 16K allocated, 11K used. MICRO-CODE-ENTRY-AREA....................(1 region) 566/2000 used. 63% free. MICRO-CODE-ENTRY-NAME-AREA...............(1 region) 566/2000 used. 63% free. MICRO-CODE-ENTRY-ARGS-INFO-AREA..........(1 region) 566/2000 used. 63% free. MICRO-CODE-ENTRY-MAX-PDL-USAGE...........(1 region) 0/2000 used. 100% free. MICRO-CODE-PAGING-AREA...................(1 region) 0/400000 used. 100% free. VIRTUAL-PAGE-DATA........................(1 region) 400000/400000 used. 0% free. SCAVENGER-QUEUE..........................(1 region) 0/2000 used. 100% free. MICRO-CODE-ENTRY-ARGLIST-AREA............(1 region) 566/2000 used. 63% free. MICRO-CODE-SYMBOL-NAME-AREA..............(1 region) 2000/2000 used. 0% free. INIT-LIST-AREA...........................(1 region) 256310/322000 used. 16% free. WORKING-STORAGE-AREA...................(12 regions) 3072K allocated, 2627K used. PERMANENT-STORAGE-AREA..................(3 regions) 768K allocated, 534K used. PROPERTY-LIST-AREA......................(2 regions) 128K allocated, 16K used. P-N-STRING..............................(3 regions) 768K allocated, 377K used. CONTROL-TABLES...........................(1 region) 16K allocated, 7K used. NR-SYM..................................(7 regions) 448K allocated, 346K used. MACRO-COMPILED-PROGRAM..................(5 regions) 1280K allocated, 1233K used. PDL-AREA................................(2 regions) 256K allocated, 237K used. SPECIAL-PDL-AREA........................(3 regions) 96K allocated, 86K used. FASL-TABLE-AREA..........................(1 region) 32K allocated, 16K used. FASL-TEMP-AREA...........................(1 region) 16K allocated, 1K used. PKG-AREA................................(5 regions) 320K allocated, 312K used. SI::DEBUG-INFO-AREA.....................(4 regions) 1024K allocated, 878K used. FORMAT::FORMAT-AREA.....................(4 regions) 64K allocated, 30K used. EH::ERROR-HANDLER-AREA...................(1 region) 16K allocated, 5K used. SI::WIREABLE-STRUCTURES-AREA.............(1 region) 1000/40000 used. 97% free. SI::DISK-BUFFER-AREA.....................(1 region) 64K allocated, 21K used. FS::PATHNAME-AREA......................(11 regions) 368K allocated, 307K used. CHAOS::CHAOS-BIGGER-BUFFER-AREA..........(1 region) 16K allocated, 16K used. COMPILER::COMPILER-AREA..................(1 region) 256K allocated, 39K used. TV:SHEET-AREA...........................(7 regions) 896K allocated, 630K used. TV::WHO-LINE-AREA........................(1 region) 16K allocated, 1K used. TV::BLINKER-AREA.........................(1 region) 16K allocated, 3K used. WORKING-STORAGE-AREA...................(12 regions) 3072K allocated, 2627K used. ZWEI::ZWEI-LINE-AREA....................(5 regions) 1280K allocated, 973K used. SI::ANALYZE-AREA........................(3 regions) 96K allocated, 81K used. FS::LOCAL-FILE-SYSTEM-AREA..............(2 regions) 32K allocated, 2K used. ZWEI::ZMAIL-MSG-AREA.....................(1 region) 16K allocated, 2K used. NIL "We also have the ti 8meg memory board on a 2x2" "We also have the ti 8meg memory board on a 2x2"