NOTES ON COLD LOAD PROBLEMS: 1. Booted cold load band on processor with Excelan board available. Why did we get configured to use it? This caused TIME:INITIALIZE-TIMEBASE and the first file transfer to fail, with no indication other than "host not responding". Note that Excelan driver isn't loaded in cold, and (NET:COLD-LOAD-CONFIGURE) just sets up share and loopback. (It does SET-PROCESSOR-OWNING-ETHERNET to :FIND - is that enough to cause the problem?) Figuring this out was a little tricky. This pointed up the need for a NET:STATUS type of function, suitable for calling in the cold load or random listener,that would print the current network status. Things to display: a. Enabled boards, drivers, protocols b. Routing stuff, like CHAOS:LIST-ROUTE-TABLE etc. c. Summary statistics d. Optionally, DESCRIBE-HOST and (ARP:GET-ADDRESS-INFO on a particular host, so we can see why we're losing in each case. 2. Two DEFUN's in SYS:COLD;FIRST are weird: defun of (:property special special-form-bootstrap) seems to be (are they?) generating a (proper?) :SOURCE-FILE-NAME property for 'SPECIAL, but the 'UNSPECIAL property is a munged pathname, "DJ:LISPM;NIL". Both lead to "...redefining" messages for the SPECIAL-FORM-BOOTSTRAP while cold-loading. 3. Why is SYS:LAMBDA-DIAG;DIAG-SYSTEM recompiled when OUTER-SYSTEM is loaded in the cold load world??? ...Is there a mini-LAM subset that we could load for 2x2 use, without all the voluminous stuff? 4. (SI:QLD) should do PRINT-HERALD before asking for other systems to load. And - is that code proceedable, restartable? Not that I've made a typo, but if someone does, do they lose big time? 5. Why aren't early system macro files such as DEFMAC and LMMAC, loaded in the cold load world? (Indeed, why isn't the SYSTEM-MACROS system used for anything?) Yeah, the definitions are already expanded in the loaded code, but what about potential trouble with initializations, EVAL's, etc.? I even got errors in the interpreter, e.g. calling SECOND. 6. When the network problem occurred, INITIALIZE-TIMEBASE asked me for the time. In the cold load, couldn't it call the mini-server and get the time? ...Wouldn't that be better anyway? ...Or with SHARE, do we get the same effect?