MEMORANDUM TO: Bill O'Brien FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: 7/21/87 SUBJ: Vandalism Is Back COPY: Ron Genest, Clovis Regis Vandalism, broadly defined, is back. It was prevalent in Andover, where the policy seemed to be, "if it's not nailed down, it's mine". It resurfaced briefly in Lowell; a firm statement from management at the time brought it somewhat under control. A major source of irritation has been the fact that we have had to share space for the customer service lab equipment with other groups. After the move to Lowell, printers, boards, and cables disappeared at an alarming rate from the lab. We are still short a TI855 printer and the font cartridges that went with it. Gina Pallozzi's TI855 printer was also vandalized a few weeks ago. This morning I discovered that a table covered with equipment -- a fanout box and transceiver cables -- had been moved, and burn-in racks put in its place. We found the equipment on another of our tables, but the table is gone. Rick Goudreau and Greg Dargi kindly found me a table, and moved the burn-in racks to accomodate the table space. As one of them indicated, "a lot of weird things like this have been going on." Also, someone removed labels from my VAX printer, again. It doesn't take more than 3-5 minutes to set the printer back up, but why do I have to do this, over and over again? Also, someone put my ashtray on the floor in my office. Is this underground sentiment, or anti-smoking humor? With the shortage of supplies and space, perhaps people are just being careless; but calling this kind of thing vandalism is not stretching the point too far. The policy, in writing, should state that if it's not yours, you can't take it, and you can't give it away. I was taught to borrow things only after getting permission from the owner; on company premises, with company equipment, if the user can't be found, I leave a clear note. All violations of this nature should be subject to discipline, including forced leave without pay; a second violation should be automatic grounds for dismissal. Do we have such a policy for Gigamos? If not, could we please establish a clear policy, and post it, and copy each employee? KMC