MEMORANDUM TO: S/W, H/W Support FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: 10/21/86 SUBJ: VAX Login Ids COPY: John Salis We are almost done stringing terminal lines to our VAX, so the system will be available to all very soon. I have established login ids for each support person: BOBS KEITH KEN PAUL RONG ZEOGAS See me to get your initial password assignment. Change this password by logging in and executing "SET PASSWORD". Useful features of the VAX include text editing; mail (but VAX mail cannot be connected with Lambda ZMail with current Lisp software); tape copying; Kermit; and Telnet and FTP access to Lambdas on TCP/IP. We will be setting up additional features (like printers!) as soon as we can. I've started an in-house help library for VAX info; Type "HELP @INFO". KMC