MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Belcher, Sarah Smith FROM: Keith Corbett DATE: Sept. 18, 1986 SUBJ: Customer Interest in Training/Materials on Window System COPY: John Salis Customers tell us that the documentation on the Window System is adequate as a reference manual, but it is not useful as a user guide. As a result, many customers find it difficult to get started on writing applications with sophisticated user interfaces. There is a little-known manual, "Introducing the Window System", which does provide an introductory top-down overview, but it does not provide enough examples. For whatever reason, most customers do not have this manual. Debra Ellerin has worked with many customers at various stages of development, and she has provided "remedial" level training to many of them. Without her, we will not be in a position any time soon to continue this user training, nor is it generally the best way to meet the need. The Lisp II course has been the best resource for LMI customers at this level of sophistication. The Window System is covered in one day, which may be enough. However, most of our users do not attend the classes they need. I understand that Education has developed materials including good examples for teaching Window System topics. Would it be possible for Education and Documentation to work together to enhance "Introducing the Window System" to include more useful examples? If it were done quickly (and only a few hours of effort should be required), this could even be revised in time to ship with 3.0 Lisp. In any case, we need some relief from providing remedial education. A kit combining the two documents (that customers can order without coming to class) would go a long way. KMC