;if lisp-internals:if was separate, now non-existent. ; lisp:if is now additionally in "DUMPIT". ; lisp:if used to be in "SYMBOL", "K2", "KBUG-STREAMS" ; "NUBUS-STUFF" ; "K-DEBUG" ; "NLISP" ; "LISP-INTERNALS" ; "TRAP" ; "ARRAY" ; "NEW-MATH" ; "CONS" ; "TRANSPORTER-RAM" ; "BOOT" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT-INTERFACE" ; "AREA-DATA" ; "REGION-DATA" ; "GC-FAULT" ; "MAP-FAULT" ; "REGION-BITS" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT" ; "QUANTUM-MAP" ; "PHYSICAL-CLUSTER-DATA" ; "VIRTUAL-MEMORY" ; "PAGING-DEVICES" ; "DATATYPE-RAM" ; "GC-RAM" ; "MAP" ; "TIMERS" ; "VINCULUM" ; "GLOBAL-REGISTERS" ;rem lisp:rem is now additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;map lisp-internals:map and map:map were separate, now non-existent. (k-map:map still separate.) ; lisp:map is now additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;listp lisp:listp is now additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;listp vinculum:listp used to be in ; "SYMBOL" ; "K2" ; "KBUG-STREAMS" ; "NUBUS-STUFF" ; "K-DEBUG" ; "TRAP" ; "ARRAY" ; "NEW-MATH" ; "CONS" ; "TRANSPORTER-RAM" ; "BOOT" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT-INTERFACE" ; "AREA-DATA" ; "REGION-DATA" ; "GC-FAULT" ; "MAP-FAULT" ; "REGION-BITS" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT" ; "QUANTUM-MAP" ; "PHYSICAL-CLUSTER-DATA" ; "VIRTUAL-MEMORY" ; "PAGING-DEVICES" ; "DATATYPE-RAM" ; "GC-RAM" ; "MAP" ; "TIMERS" ;gethash *** ;rassoc *** ;every lisp:every is now additionally getting "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;subst lisp:subst is now additionally getting "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ; "PRIMITIVES" used to be in primitives ; "LISP-INTERNALS" now separate, used to be in "primitives" ;subst primitives:subst used to be in ; "SYMBOL" ; "K2" ; "KBUG-STREAMS" ; "NUBUS-STUFF" ; "K-DEBUG" ; "NLISP" ; "TRAP" ; "ARRAY" ; "NEW-MATH" ; "CONS" ; "TRANSPORTER-RAM" ; "BOOT" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT-INTERFACE" ; "AREA-DATA" ; "REGION-DATA" ; "GC-FAULT" ; "MAP-FAULT" ; "REGION-BITS" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT" ; "QUANTUM-MAP" ; "PHYSICAL-CLUSTER-DATA" ; "VIRTUAL-MEMORY" ; "PAGING-DEVICES" ; "DATATYPE-RAM" ; "GC-RAM" ; "MAP" ; "TIMERS" ; "VINCULUM" ; "GLOBAL-REGISTERS" ; "PRIMITIVES" ;TIME lisp:time is now additionally getting "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;read *** :delete *** ;REMOVE lisp-internals was separate, now non-existent ;remove lisp:remove is now additionally getting "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;close li:close was separate, now nonexistent. ; lisp:close now is additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;character lisp:character now is additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;member k-lisp-internals:member was separate and no longer exists ; lisp:member now is additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;ASSOC *** ;DEFSTRUCT lisp:defstruct now is additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;make-array lisp:make-array now is additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;aref lisp:aref was in lisp-internals and array ; array:aref now in lisp-internals ;*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* ; lisp:*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* now is additionally in "DUMPIT". ;make-package *** ;union *** ;some *** ;read-from-string *** ;nunion *** ;// lisp-internals:// was separate, now non-existent. ; lisp:// now is additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;nlistp *** ;nintersection*** ;intersection *** ;functionp *** ;atan *** ;ar-1-force *** ;ar-1 lisp:ar-1 is now additionally in "DUMPIT" and "PRIMITIVES". ;cond global:cond is now additionally in "DUMPIT"; ; global:cond used to be in "SYMBOL", "K2", "KBUG-STREAMS", ; "NUBUS-STUFF", "K-DEBUG", "NLISP", "TRAP", ; "ARRAY" ; "NEW-MATH" ; "CONS" ; "TRANSPORTER-RAM" ; "BOOT" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT-INTERFACE" ; "AREA-DATA" ; "REGION-DATA" ; "GC-FAULT" ; "MAP-FAULT" ; "REGION-BITS" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT" ; "QUANTUM-MAP" ; "PHYSICAL-CLUSTER-DATA" ; "VIRTUAL-MEMORY" ; "PAGING-DEVICES" ; "DATATYPE-RAM" ; "GC-RAM" ; "MAP" ; "TIMERS" ;do global:do is now additionally in "DUMPIT". ;do global:do used to be in "SYMBOL", "K2", "KBUG-STREAMS", "NUBUS-STUFF", ; "K-DEBUG", "NLISP", ; "TRAP" ; "ARRAY" ; "NEW-MATH" ; "CONS" ; "TRANSPORTER-RAM" ; "BOOT" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT-INTERFACE" ; "AREA-DATA" ; "REGION-DATA" ; "GC-FAULT" ; "MAP-FAULT" ; "REGION-BITS" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT" ; "QUANTUM-MAP" ; "PHYSICAL-CLUSTER-DATA" ; "VIRTUAL-MEMORY" ; "PAGING-DEVICES" ; "DATATYPE-RAM" ; "GC-RAM" ; "MAP" ; "TIMERS" ;defconstant global:defconstant is now additionally in "DUMPIT". ;defconstant global:defconstant used to be in "SYMBOL", "KBUG-STREAMS", "NUBUS-STUFF", ; "K-DEBUG", "NLISP", ; "TRAP" ; "ARRAY" ; "NEW-MATH" ; "CONS" ; "TRANSPORTER-RAM" ; "BOOT" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT-INTERFACE" ; "AREA-DATA" ; "REGION-DATA" ; "GC-FAULT" ; "MAP-FAULT" ; "REGION-BITS" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT" ; "QUANTUM-MAP" ; "PHYSICAL-CLUSTER-DATA" ; "VIRTUAL-MEMORY" ; "PAGING-DEVICES" ; "DATATYPE-RAM" ; "GC-RAM" ; "MAP" ; "TIMERS" ;quote global:quote is now additionally in "DUMPIT". ; k-primitives:quote was separate, now non-existent. ; global:quote used to be in "SYMBOL", "KBUG-STREAMS", "NUBUS-STUFF" ; "K-DEBUG" ; "NLISP" ; "TRAP" ; "ARRAY" ; "NEW-MATH" ; "CONS" ; "TRANSPORTER-RAM" ; "BOOT" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT-INTERFACE" ; "AREA-DATA" ; "REGION-DATA" ; "GC-FAULT" ; "MAP-FAULT" ; "REGION-BITS" ; "MEMORY-MANAGEMENT" ; "QUANTUM-MAP" ; "PHYSICAL-CLUSTER-DATA" ; "VIRTUAL-MEMORY" ; "PAGING-DEVICES" ; "DATATYPE-RAM" ; "GC-RAM" ; "MAP" ; "TIMERS" ;&optional exactly same problems as quote. ;defvar *** ;defun *** ;&rest same as quote except k-primitives:&rest was not separate and is not separate. ;&aux exactly same as &rest. ;throw *** ;catch global:catch is now additionally in "K2", "VINCULUM", "GLOBAL-REGISTERS", "PRIMITIVES", "DUMPIT". ;&body *** ;&key exactly same as &rest. ;"-" "+" "VALUES" "IMPORT" "EXPORT" "LAMBDA" "FUNCTION" "PROGN" same as "T" ;T exactly same as &rest.