;;; -*- Mode:Text; Fonts:(MEDFNT MEDFNB); Base:10 -*- 1SUPERCUTTERS (Cheap Barbershop in Harvard Square!) PREFERENCE SHEET* I Am _________________________. {E.g., John Doe} I Live at: _________________________ {E.g., Myaddress _________________________. Mycity, Mystate MYZIP} I Like To Sing Parts (or My Range Is) _________________________. {E.g., Barry, Tenor, or C1-G2} I Would Rather Be Singing _________________________. {E.g., Barbershop, Madrigals, Early Music, Romantic Music} I Prefer to Sing on _________________________ {E.g., Sunday Afternoons, Sunday Mornings} beginning no earlier than _________________________ {E.g., 11:30 AM} (read: How early are you willing to be in Harvard Square?) and no later than _________________________. {E.g., 11:30 AM} (read: How do later time commitments affect how long you can sing?} I'd Be Willing to Contribute an Amount Under _________________________ {E.g., $5.00} to the Music Copying Cause.