1 1 - INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXISTING INSTALLATIONS + ____________ ____________ ___ ________ _____________ 0 MTS Distribution 6.0 0 April 1988 - In the five years between the MTS/5.1 Distribution and the MTS/6.0 Distribution, a number of incompatible changes have been made to the MTS system internals. (All these changes are upward compatible in the user environment.) This makes updating from a MTS/5.1 system to a MTS/6.0 system more involved than usual because the incompatible changes must be made. 0 There are two basic ways to consider updating to MTS/6.0. One way is to serially make the required changes to the MTS/5.1 system you are running. The second is to save all the user files currently in use on your system, install the MTS/6.0 system, and restore the files. This latter method is most likely the best for sites which have no local changes to the distributed MTS system and either have relatively few users or use MTS for primarily one purpose (such as conferencing). 0 The most significant incompatible changes to the resident system are discussed in the General Notes (461/33). They include 0 ¨ The file system catalog format has changed to allow for last data change times. ¨ The accounting record format has changed. ¨ The statistic record format has changed. ¨ The names of system files have changed to conform to new naming conventions. ¨ Components have been changed from using the old Coding Conventions to using the current Coding Conventions. ¨ More MTS commands have been made into Command Language Subsystems (CLS's). ¨ Named Address Spaces are used to load many components. ¨ The Online and Full filesaves now use labelled tapes. ¨ Tapes are now cataloged in an analogous way to files. ¨ HASP no longer needs separate disks for spooling; MTS files can be used as spool files. ¨ The PDP (Paging Drum Processor) no longer needs separate disks for paging; MTS files can be used as paging files. ¨ The *MESSAGES file format has changed to accomodate longer message numbers. 0 Other system changes (not necessarily incompatible) are described in the comments for the update files (...*Ux files). Changes to the MTS Job Program assemblies are listed in the file MTSS:MTSCHANGE*WX (42/10). 0 A number of initial MTS/6.0 systems are supplied in different IPL files, so you must decide which is appropriate for your site. See the writeup on the Resident System, UMPS:RESSYS*WF (468/15), for descriptions of the following 1 2 - available IPL files: 0 *IPL.MP (468/3) *IPL.370 (468/4) *IPL.4K (468/5) *IPL.64 (468/6) - The following discussion describes some basic steps to take in order to save user files, bring up a MTS/6.0 system, and restore the user files onto it. At installations where substantial changes have been made to the MTS/5.1 system or where it is not desired that all of this distribution be installed at once, this procedure will have to be modified accordingly. As this is a rather rough outline, please enlist the help of one of the other MTS sites if you have questions or concerns about the upgrade. 0 These first steps can be done while your production system is still running. 0 1. Restore FILE:DASDI*OA (598/3) and FILE:DISKCOPY*OA (724/3) to your current MTS system from the MTS/6.0 distribution tapes (the MTS/5.1 versions of these programs might work, but these programs have been upgraded in the 6.0 versions). You should consult the distribution driver file index (461/30) for the locations of these components. The index will indicate on which tape each is located and what the file numbers are. 0 2. Use DASDI to initialize a VAMX disk pack as public volume 1 with a unique volume name; MTS601 might be a good choice. See the General Notes (461/33) for instructions on using DASDI. The following commands illustrate the input to this program: 0 $Run File:Dasdi*oa+Copy:Sysdefs prot=off Dxxx MTS601 VX 1 IPL SLOW $ENDFILE 0 where "Dxxx" is the MTS device name of the disk to be + ____ initialized and "MTS601" is the volume name to be used for + ______ the disk pack. 0 3. Use DISKCOPY to restore the MTS/6.0 Starter System from the three distributed dump/restore tapes. You should specify the IPL option. You may wish to specify the SLOW option to lessen the interference with your normal operation. See the General Notes for information on running DISKCOPY. The following commands illustrate the input to this program: 0 $Run Diskcopy*oa+Copy:Sysdefs prot=off TAPE *1* *2* *3* DISK 1 3 - Dxxx MTS601 IPL SLOW $ENDFILE 0 where *1*, *2*, *3* are the pseudodevice names associated with the three mounted MTS/6.0 dump/restore tapes. 0 4. You will need a set of TABLES for your MTS/6.0 Starter System. You can build these on your production system and write them to tape where the Starter System will access them in the next step. The TABLES macros (4/3) should be used to construct the TABLES which will work for the MTS/6.0 Starter System using the devices at your site. You should consult the MTS/6.0 TABLES description (4/4) for details. 0 Maintaining a set of TABLES using these macros is simpler and much more reliable than using DECKGEN, so we do not recommend using DECKGEN to build TABLES anymore. (In fact, we have not continued to support it so it may not even work.) Be sure to assemble your new TABLES using the 6.0 version of COPY:FILE*SAL (482/45) and COPY:SECTIONS*SAL (4215), in addition to the new TABLES macros. This version of TABLES should only contain one MTS volume, MTS601, though it should contain information on all disk devices. You may want to take a look at the UM TABLES deck (4/1) or the default Starter System TABLES (468/8) to see an example of the form of the TABLES source. In fact, you should probably start with the default tables as a basis for your TABLES, since it is already set up for a one-pack system. 0 5. Using either a real or a VM guest virtual machine, IPL from the MTS/6.0 Starter System pack and reply "NO" when asked if you want the current system. This time enter the commands: 0 LOAD NAME=*IPL.ttt REPLACE TABLES.ttt FROM xxx (Reply to the prompt for a printer address for a map) 0 where xxx is the address of a simulated tape corresponding + ___ to the object deck for your assembled TABLES and ttt is + ___ the suffix corresponding to the kind of machine architecture you desire, such as "XA" or "370". Finally enter 0 START 0 The MTS/6.0 Starter System should now be running. The following steps should be done on the Starter System. 0 6. When system initialization finishes (when the message "*NAL complete" appears), you should signon to the userid MTS and $Run RAMROD (1019), create a new system from the D6.0SYS.ttt system, and replace the deck TABLES.ttt in 1 4 - that new system with the Starter System TABLES created in step 4. Make this new system current so that you can IPL on the Starter System easily in the future. Instructions on running RAMROD can be found in the writeup in RMRD:RAMROD*WF (1019/22). 0 7. Use this Starter System pack to get the new version of MTS working to your satisfaction. This will require making any local modifications to the resident system in the RAMROD file in the Starter System. (Remember to change RNBR.) The Starter System contains almost all of the public and semi-public files, but not all of the utility programs you may want. If additional programs are needed, restore them from the MTS/6.0 distribution tapes using *FS. 0 8. Add any local modules to *LIBRARY. Do not simply replace the new *LIBRARY with your old one, but rather merge the two. 0 9. Add any local messages to *SMDS. Again, do not just replace the new file with your old one, as there may be new messages in it. Generate a new object module from *SMDS using the utility program (MTSS:GEN_SMDS*OG (197/3)) provided for this purpose and replace the DECK SMDSTBL with the new version using RAMROD. 0 10. Add any local changes to *SYSMAC. Again, these must be merged with the distributed version. 0 11. Change the MTS/6.0 SEG2:S2FILES (559/7) and SEG2:NASFILES1 through SEG2:NASFILES7 (891/17 - 891/24) files so that all the components represented in your production system SEG2:S2FILES (and SEG2:NASFILES, if you have that) are accounted for. 0 12. Build a set of TABLES which will describe your MTS/6.0 production system. Remember that spooling and paging packs are no longer necessary, so your TABLES must specify which volumes the Spooling Extents and Paging Extents will be on. 0 13. $Run MTS:RAMROD again, create a new system from the current system and replace TABLES.ttt with the production tables you just made. This is now the system you will load when you come up on your production MTS/6.0 system. Do not current this system, but use the Ramrod commands + __ ___ FREEZE, LOAD, and WRITE to write this system to *IPL.PROD. 0 Now that the basic MTS/6.0 system is ready, you will need to do some special work on your production system in order to finish up the merger. All users must be off the production system for the following steps (except perhaps for the first one). 0 14. Disable *PRINT* and *BATCH* on your production system and 1 5 - empty the print and batch queues by printing/running all the spooled jobs. This is necessary since the MTS/6.0 HASP is new and must be started anew. (Actually, this step could be done with users still on the system; they just couldn't use batch or printing facilities). All batch jobs which are under a HOLDUNTIL restraint will have to be cancelled and resubmitted by users on the MTS/6.0 system. 0 15. Save your current RSTR:FILEDIR.MAS file onto a *FS tape, then empty RSTR:FILEDIR.MAS. Run a special version of the Full Filesave on your production system that saves all files - even those marked as NOSAVE. You can change the current FileSave code to do this by changing the "if Fd_No_File_Save" clauses in the routines Match_File and Write_Save_Info which are in the file RSTR:FS_MAIN#SQ (67/6). The empty RSTR:FILEDIR.MAS file will be filled with the list of all the files saved. 0 16. In this step you will construct lists of files to be restored later onto your production MTS/6.0 system. 0 i) Determine which files from the full filesave need to be restored onto the MTS/6.0 system. Go through the new RSTR:FILEDIR.MAS list and find all the user files, licensed products, and files which are not distributed as + ___ ___ part of MTS/6.0 that you desire on your system. Make a list of those files. Add to that list the files which are site dependent such as *Messages, the Userdirectory database, accounting files, statistic files, autostart schedules, ckid lists, *Forum databases, etc. which you will want your own versions of rather than the Starter System versions of. (You might check for files in the driver file with names of TSTP:? since those are Test Pack/Starter System files.) 0 ii) Make a second list of files which you use in your production system which are distributed as part of MTS/6.0 + ___ but are not on the Starter System pack. (The list of MTS/6.0 files already on the Starter System is in the file DIST:MTS6.0.FILES (461/44).) This list will serve as input to *FS to use in conjunction with the MTS/6.0 driver file (461/27) to restore files from the MTS/6.0 distribution tapes. Therefore, the list should be separated by distribution tape and should be of the form 0 Restore (m) dist:6.0driver Restore (m) (n) dist:6.0driver 0 where "(m)" is a file number and "(m) (n)" is a file number range on one distribution tape of the files you want and "dist:6.0driver" is the distributed driver file. 0 Save both of these lists on a *FS tape so they can be used later on. 1 6 - 17. $Run *STA to save your statistics files to tape. 0 At this point you are ready to get rid of your MTS/5.1 production system. Your MTS/6.0 Starter System should be IPL'd (if it isn't already up) before the following steps are taken. 0 18. Totally shutdown your production system. 0 19. You can optionally save a copy of your MTS/5.1 system by copying all the production packs onto tape. Run DISKCOPY from the Starter System to do this. If you only have a few production packs, this shouldn't take too long and might be worth the time (about 20 minutes per pack). 0 20. Run DASDI and reinitialize all of the production MTS volumes. Make their labels the same as they were previously. Remember that you do not have to initialize any paging or spooling packs anymore. 0 21. Rebuild the production system catalog by using the CCATL (Create Catalog) program (442). A description of how to do this is in FILE:CCATL*WF (682/3). Be sure to use a version of FILE:FILERTNS which describes the production volumes. 0 22. The Starter System files now need to be "smeared" or evenly distributed onto the production volumes. Use the list of Starter System files given in DIST:MTS6.0.FILES (461/44) and DIST:FMGEN*O* (461/43) to build a list of files which FileMove (1020) will use to move the files onto the multiple production volumes. You will need to modify the list to specifically put the Paging and Spooling files onto the volumes on which they must reside (consistent with the designation in your production system TABLES assembly). If you have specified more Spooling or Paging extents in your production TABLES than exist on the MTS/6.0 Starter System, you should modify the list to move more of those extents. You must also be certain that the file *IPL.PROD is moved to the file *IPL.0. You may want to explicitly assign files to volumes in order to balance the load. 0 23. Use FileMove to copy the files onto the production volumes. 0 24. IPL your multi-volume MTS/6.0 system. 0 At this point your MTS/6.0 system is ready for the final merger. You should not need the Starter System anymore. The following steps are to be performed on the multi-pack MTS/6.0. 0 25. Signon to the MTS userid in order to restore files from tape onto the multi-pack MTS/6.0 system. 0 i) $Run *FS and restore RSTR:Filedir.mas and the lists of desired files made from the MTS/5.1 system. 1 7 - ii) $Run *Restore and feed it the list of files (user files, licensed products, site dependent databases, etc.) which are not part of the MTS/6.0 distribution. You should restore your *ACCOUNTINGn files to new names, such + _ as MTS:ACC1, MTS:ACC2, etc. so that they can be reformatted (see below). Be sure to restore *Accounting, *Project, and *Projdirectory. 0 iii) $Run *FS and restore the MTS/6.0 driver file to the file DIST:6.0DRIVER. Mount each MTS/6.0 distribution tape and $run *FS and feed it the list of files to be restored from that tape. (This is the list or lists constructed in step 16ii.) 0 26. Changes to the accounting records must be made. Restore W013:ACONVERT*OG (104/112), ACC:ACCLIB (104/74), and W013:LVLCNVRT*OG (104/52) from the MTS/6.0 distribution tapes. 0 i) Convert existing accounting files to MTS/6.0 format. You should do this from a userid which has write access to the Accounting files, such as ACC. 0 $Run Aconvert*og+Acc:ACCLIB scards=MTS:ACC1 spunch=*ACCOUNTING1 sprint=*dummy* ... $Run Aconvert*og+Acc:ACCLIB scards=MTS:ACCn + _ spunch=*ACCOUNTINGn sprint=*dummy* + _ 0 ii) Make sure an empty *Accountingx (sic) file exists. Use the following utility to initiate multi-level accounting: 0 $Run Lvlcnvrt*og+Acc:ACCLIB 0 27. Nothing special needs to be done to accomodate the statistic records format change. The MTS/6.0 programs and utilities which use statistic records have been upgraded to work with MTS/5.1 format (version 0) statistic records through MTS/6.0 format (version 3) statistic records. 0 28. *Messages must be reformatted. Use the program in MAIL:CONVERT*OQ(798/6) to do this. A description of how to use it is in MAIL:CONVERT*WP (798/7). 1 8 - The following is a list of public, semi-public, and major private files on the test pack which have been added or changed since the MTS/5.1 distribution. A word of caution is needed here. The following list is based on the revision levels in the driver file. While we have tried to set the revision levels correctly for all components, doing this for a distribution is a big job and we have certainly made some mistakes. Therefore the following list will include some files that haven't changed and some files that have changed will be omitted. We've tried to make the first type of mistake more common then the second. - *ACCINIT new *COMPARE changed *ACCRESTORE changed *CSMP changed *ADL changed *CSMPEXEC changed *ANALYSIS changed *CSMPLIB changed *ARC new *CSMPTRAN changed *ASCEBCD changed *CTD changed *ASMH changed *C87 new *ASSIST changed *C87INCLUDE new *AUTOREPLACE new *C87LIB new *AUTOSTART changed *DDL changed *BDL changed *DEDIT changed *BLO changed *DLO changed *BNCHRTN changed *DMP changed *CBELL new *DSD new *CBELLINCLUDE new *DUMPSYSPGNTS changed *CBELLLIB new *EBCDASC changed *CCMEMOS changed *EDL changed *CCP changed *ELO changed *CCPUBLICATIONS changed *FILESCAN changed *CCQUEUE changed *FORTRANVS new *CLB new *FS changed *CLK changed *FSC changed *CLN changed *FSM changed *CLPARSEGEN changed *FSMCONVERT new *CLPARSELIB changed *FTPSERV new *CLR changed *GFINFODSECT changed *CLSACC changed *HLG changed *CLSEDIT changed *HPGLPLOT changed *CLSFILEMENU changed *IF66 new *CLSFSMESSAGE changed *IF77 new *CLSHELP changed *IG changed *CLSLIST changed *IG.SAVE changed *CLSMESSAGESYS changed *IG.TX4113 changed *CLSMOUNT changed *INIT changed *CLSNET changed *I8080ASR changed *CLSPMF changed *LABELS changed *CLSSSTA changed *LBH new *CMD changed *LBL changed *CMDMACLIB changed *LIBRARY changed *CMS changed *LINK11 changed *CMSTAPELOAD new *LOCALPLOT changed *CMSTAPESCAN new *LOCALPRINT changed *CNFGINFODSECT changed *MACBINHEX new *COLLATE new *MACPAINT4045 new 1 9 - *MACRTNS changed *PTPRRTN changed *MCS650XASR changed *PTS changed *MDP changed *PWR changed *MESSAGES.LOCK new *RATFOR changed *MESSSUBS changed *REDUCE changed *MGR new *RESTORE changed *MGRSTAT new *RG changed *MMS new *RIP changed *MNETRTN.O changed *RM.MSG new *MNS changed *RMS new *MSG changed *RST changed *MSGUTIL changed *SAV changed *MUP changed *SCRIPTPTRFILE changed *M6800ASR changed *SCRIPT1 changed *M6809ASR changed *SDL changed *NAL changed *SDLLIB changed *NAL1 changed *SFSAVSUB changed *NAL2 changed *SKEYSUB changed *NAL3 changed *SLIDEQ new *NAL4 changed *SNOSTORM changed *NAL5 changed *SORT changed *NAL6 changed *SORTLM changed *NDL changed *SPITBOL changed *NETCOPYMAC changed *SPITLIB changed *NETMAILSCHEDULE changed *SPRIVSUB changed *NETMAILSITES changed *SRK new *NETSERVERS new *STA changed *NEWCLSSSTA new *STATUS changed *NLO changed *STE new *OVERDRIVE changed *SYSMAC changed *PASCALJBINCLUDE changed *S2P new *PASCALJBLIB changed *TANGO new *PASCALJBSYSLIB changed *TANGOLIB new *PASCALTIDY changed *TAPERETRIEVE new *PASCALVS changed *TAPERTN changed *PASCALVSINCLUDE changed *TAPES new *PASCALVSLIB changed *TAPESUBMIT new *PASCALVSSYSLIB changed *TAXIR changed *PDP11ASR changed *TCM new *PDP8RTN changed *TEXTFORM changed *PERSUB changed *TEXT360 changed *PEXIT changed *TNR changed *PGF changed *TOUCHSUB changed *PIL changed *TPR new *PLOTSEE changed *TPS changed *PLOTSYS changed *TYPEQ changed *PLUS changed *UDP new *PLUS.ENDJUNK changed *UDROUTINES changed *PLUS.OBJLIB changed *UNEDIT changed *PLUS.SOURCELIB changed *UNIXTAR new *PLUS68 new *UNLINKER changed *PL1F changed *USERDIRECTORY changed *PL1FLIB changed *UTILISP changed *PL1LIB changed *VALIDATEFILE changed *PL1TIDY changed *VMP new *PROLOGW new *VSS changed 1 10 - *VSSPDSBUILD changed BNCH:BN02 changed *VSSPDSCOMPRESS changed BNCH:BN03 changed *VSSPDSCONVERT changed BNCH:BN04 changed *XEDIT new BNCH:BN05 changed *XLISP new BNCH:BN06 changed *Z80ASR changed BNCH:BN07 changed *1052RTN changed BNCH:BN08 changed *2501RTN changed BNCH:BN09 changed *2741RTN changed BNCH:BN10 changed *3270RTN changed BNCH:BN11 changed *3284RTN changed BNCH:BN12 changed ACC:ACCDISPLAY changed BNCH:BN13 changed ACC:ACCDISPSHORT changed BNCH:BN15 changed ACC:ACCFILCHARGE changed BNCH:BN16 changed ACC:ACCLIB changed BNCH:BN17 changed ACC:ACCMAINT changed BNCH:BN30 changed ACC:ACCRETRIEVE changed BNCH:BN31 changed ACC:ACCSAVE changed BNCH:BN32 changed ACC:DISLEVEL changed BNCH:BN33 changed ACC:FILEINFO changed BNCH:BN34 changed ACC:LEVELMAINT changed BNCH:BN35 changed ACC:PROJECTIDS new BNCH:BN36 changed ACC:PROJECTMAINT changed BNCH:BN37 changed APLI:MAKEFILE new BNCH:BN38 changed APLI:MAKEFILE>SD new BNCH:BN39 changed ARC.:ARC*O new BNCH:BN40 changed ARC.:ARC*OE new BNCH:BN41 changed ARC.:MAKE.UNIX new BNCH:BN42 changed ARC.:MAKESIGFILE new BNCH:BN43 changed + _ ARC.:MAKEFILE new BNCH:BN44 changed ASMH:ASMH*SAL new BNCH:BN50 changed ASMH:ASMTIDY.MAKE new BNCH:BN51 changed ASMH:CMDMACLIB new BNCH:CONSOLELOG new + _ ASMH:MAIN*OA changed BNCH:DRIVER changed ASMH:MAKEFILE new BNCH:DSR*WF changed BCC:MAKEFILE new BNCH:LISTFILES*OA changed BNCH:ASSIGNVOL#SS changed BNCH:LISTFILES#SA changed BNCH:BATCH.LOG new BNCH:MACROS changed BNCH:BM00 changed BNCH:MIDAS3DATA new + __ BNCH:BM01 changed BNCH:MONITOR*WF changed BNCH:BM04 changed BNCH:MTS.MACROS new BNCH:BM05 changed BNCH:SEG2*OA changed BNCH:BM06 changed BNCH:SEG2#SA changed BNCH:BM08 changed BNCH:STATSUM*OA changed BNCH:BM09 changed BNCH:STATSUM#SA changed BNCH:BM11 changed BNCH:SUBMIT*OF changed BNCH:BM12 changed BNCH:SUBMIT#SF changed BNCH:BM13 changed BNCH:S2FILE new BNCH:BM14 changed BNCH:TAXIR new BNCH:BM18 changed CLIB:CBELL.MAKE new BNCH:BM19 changed CLIB:MAKEFILE new BNCH:BM20 changed CLS:MAKEFILE new BNCH:BM21 changed CMS:MAKEFILE new BNCH:BM23 changed COPY:CLP*SQL new BNCH:BM26 changed COPY:DMGR*SAL changed BNCH:BN01 changed COPY:DSP*SAL new 1 11 - COPY:FECP*SAL new DMGR:MAKEFILE>SD new COPY:FILE*SAL changed DSP:MAKEFILE new COPY:FILE*SQL changed DSP:MAKEFILE>SD new COPY:FILE*UQL changed DSR.:BNCH*UA changed COPY:FILE#SQL changed DSR.:BNCH#SA changed COPY:HOST*SQL new DSR:CMDMACLIB changed COPY:INTERNET*SQL new DSR:MAKEFILE new COPY:I8080*SAL changed DSR:SSRTNS.MAKE new COPY:MCH*SAL changed DSR:3270.MAKE new COPY:MCS650X*SAL new DUMP:DUMP.CMDS changed COPY:MISC*SAL changed DUMP:DUMPER*OA changed COPY:MNTR*SAL changed DUMP:MAKEFILE new COPY:MNTR*SQL changed DUMP:SNARKLOG new COPY:MTS*SAL changed DUMP:TASKDUMP new COPY:MTS*SQL changed DWB:MAKEFILE new COPY:M6809*SAL changed EDIT:CMDMACLIB changed COPY:NETDATA*SQL new EDIT:MAKEFILE changed COPY:RJE*SAL new EDIT:MAKEFILE#SD new COPY:RJE*SQL new ETC.:$HELP*HFL changed COPY:RMGR*SAL new ETC.:APC*H new COPY:RMGR*SQL new ETC.:FORUM.LOG new COPY:SECTIONS*SAL changed ETC.:FORUM*HFL changed COPY:SL*SQL changed ETC.:FS*HF changed COPY:STAT*SAL new ETC.:FSDISP*HFL changed COPY:STOR*SAL new ETC.:FSHELPER*HFL changed COPY:SUPER*SQL changed ETC.:FSMCONV*HC new COPY:TABLES*SAL changed ETC.:FSMESSAGE*H new COPY:TABLESXA*SAL new ETC.:FTP*HCL new COPY:UC*SAL changed ETC.:KERMIT*HFL new COPY:UMMPS*SAL changed ETC.:KERMIT*LOG new COPY:UTIL*SAL changed ETC.:LOG.HELP changed COPY:VM*SQL new ETC.:NET*H changed COUN:GENDOC.DOCS changed ETC.:RESOLV.CONF new COUN:GENDOC.DSTAT changed ETC.:RESTORE*HF new COUN:GENDOC.GENS changed ETC.:TAPES*HCL new COUN:GENDOC.NUMS changed ETC.:TAPESUB*HFL new COUN:GENDOC.ONL.W changed ETC.:TAPESUBMIT new COUN:GENDOC.OUTPT changed ETC.:UNIXTAR*HFL new CREP:MAKEFILE new ETC:$ACCHELP changed CREP:MAKEFILE>SD new ETC:AMDEREP6.0 new CREP:SDL.MAKE new ETC:CNVTEREP changed C87:MAKEFILE new ETC:CREPHELP*H changed DIFF:APC.MAKE new ETC:C87ERRORLOG new DIFF:COMPARE.MAKE new ETC:EREPCMDS changed DIST:CMDMACLIB new ETC:EREPLIB changed DIST:COMM changed ETC:FILEMENU*H changed DIST:DRIVER changed ETC:FINGER*D new DIST:FM.GEN changed ETC:IF.ELMQQSV changed DIST:GENNOTES*WF changed ETC:LISTHELP*H changed DIST:INDEX changed ETC:MACRO.H changed DIST:INDEX.GENL changed ETC:ONELINER changed DIST:MAKEFILE new ETC:PASVS*EXPL changed DIST:MTS6.0.FILES changed ETC:PASVS*MESS changed DIST:NEWSYS*WF changed ETC:PASVS*OPT changed DIST:OLDSYS*WF changed ETC:PASVS*TRAN changed DMGR:MAKEFILE changed ETC:PEEK*H changed 1 12 - ETC:RDC3.FAPLIB changed FILE:DISK*WF changed ETC:RDC3.IMAGE changed FILE:DISKCOPY*OA changed ETC:RDC3.IMAGE.2 changed FILE:DISKCOPY*UA changed ETC:RDC3.RLISP changed FILE:DISKCOPY#SA changed ETC:RDC3.SLISP changed FILE:DSK*WF changed ETC:RDC3.XMPLIB changed FILE:DSKMAN*UQ changed ETC:RMPLOTALPHA new FILE:DSKMAN*UR new ETC:RMQIF new FILE:DSKMAN#SQ changed ETC:SDS*HFL changed FILE:DSKMAN#SR new ETC:SNOSTORM changed FILE:FDMOD*OA changed ETC:TAPEFREE new FILE:FDMOD*UA new ETC:TAPELOGFILE new FILE:FDMOD#SA changed ETC:TAPERETRIEVE new FILE:FILE*UCML new ETC:TAXERRORS changed FILE:FILE#CML new ETC:TXTFENVIR changed FILE:FILEMOVE*OQ new ETC:TXTFFNS changed FILE:FILEMOVE*OR new ETC:TXTFHYPHDICT changed FILE:FILEMOVE*UR new ETC:TXTFLAYOUTS changed FILE:FILEMOVE#SR new ETC:TXTFLOG changed FILE:FILERTNS changed ETC:TXTFMSGS changed FILE:FINT*OL changed ETC:TXTFNUCLEUS new FILE:FINT*UA changed ETC:TXTFODS changed FILE:FINT*UQ changed ETC:TXTFWIDS changed FILE:FINT#SA changed ETC:UD.HELP changed FILE:FINT#SQ changed FDEV:MAKEFILE changed FILE:FIXCAT*OA changed FICS:MAKEFILE new FILE:FIXCAT*UA new FILE:ACATLFAST*OA changed FILE:FIXCAT#SA changed FILE:AMALCOMP*WF changed FILE:FIXEH*UA new FILE:CATALOG*OA changed FILE:FIXEH#SA changed FILE:CATLIST*O changed FILE:FIXSD*UA new FILE:CATLIST*UQ changed FILE:FIXSD#SA changed FILE:CATLIST#SQ changed FILE:FM*WF changed FILE:CATSCAN*OQ new FILE:FSTEST*OA changed FILE:CATSCAN*UA new FILE:FSTEST*UA changed FILE:CATSCAN*WF changed FILE:FSTEST*WF changed FILE:CATSCAN#SA changed FILE:FSTEST#SA changed FILE:CATSCAN#SQ new FILE:GTUNIT changed FILE:CCATL*OA changed FILE:MAKEFILE changed FILE:CCATL*UA new FILE:OPEN*OA changed FILE:CCATL*WF changed FILE:PM*WF changed FILE:CCATL#SA changed FILE:PPCSET*OA changed FILE:CHKFILE*OA changed FILE:PPCSET*UA new FILE:CHKVTOC*OA changed FILE:PPCSET#SA changed FILE:CHKVTOC*UA changed FILE:RECATALOG*UA new FILE:CHKVTOC*WF changed FILE:RECATALOG#SA changed FILE:CHKVTOC#SA changed FILE:STATAREA*OA changed FILE:CHONID*OA changed FILE:STATAREA*UA new FILE:CHONID*UA new FILE:STATAREA#SA changed FILE:CHONID*WF changed FILE:STRPACK*WF changed + _ FILE:CHONID#SA changed FILE:TABLMOD*WF changed FILE:CMDMACLIB changed FILE:TABLMODM*OA changed FILE:DASDI*OA changed FILE:TABLRTN*OA changed FILE:DASDI*UA changed FILE:TRAK*OA changed FILE:DASDI*WF changed FILE:TRAKSTAT*OA changed FILE:DASDI#SA changed FILE:TRAKSTAT#SA changed FILE:DISASTER*WF changed FILE:TSTABLRTN*OA changed 1 13 - FILE:VALIDATEF*UA changed HOST:MAKEFILE new FILE:VALIDATEF*WF changed HOST:NSTEST new FILE:VALIDATEF#SA changed HOST:NSTEST*HCL new FILE:VAMREC*OA changed HOST:RESOLVER new FILE:VAMREC*UA changed HOST:TCMCMD new FILE:VAMREC*WF changed HOST:TLNTMNGR new FILE:VAMREC#SA changed HOST:X25*SQL new FILE:VNTD*WF changed IF66:CMDMACLIB new FILE:VNTD#SA changed IF66:MAKEFILE new FILE:VOLGET*OA changed IF77:CMDMACLIB new FILE:VTOCUTIL*O changed IF77:MAKEFILE new FILE:VTOCUTIL*UQ changed IG:DDR.MAK new FILE:VTOCUTIL*UR changed IG:DI.MAK new FILE:VTOCUTIL*WF changed IG:IAIG.MAK new FILE:VTOCUTIL#SQ changed IG:MAKEFILE new FILE:VTOCUTIL#SR changed INIT:ACCINITL new FORT:FTNTIDY.MAKE new INIT:ACCINIT1 new FORT:LOGIC.MAKE new INIT:ACCINIT2 new FVS.:MAKEFILE new INIT:ACCINIT3 new GDOC:GENDOC.DBPER changed INIT:ACCINIT4 new GDOC:GENDOC.DOCS changed INIT:ACCINIT5 new GDOC:GENDOC.DSCLO changed INIT:ACCINSCN new GDOC:GENDOC.GENS changed INIT:AMDHIST new GDOC:GENDOC.MPER changed INIT:CLEAN changed GDOC:GENDOC.NUMS changed INIT:DATECHK changed GDOC:GENDOC.ONL.W changed INIT:DATECHK.MAKE changed GDOC:GENDOC.OUTPT changed INIT:IBMHIST new HASP:CMDMACLIB new INIT:INITCHK changed HASP:CONSOLE changed INIT:MAKEFILE changed HASP:CONSOLE.D changed INIT:WWVCHK new HASP:DA changed KERB:MAKEFILE new HASP:DA.D changed LBT:ASA.MAKE new HASP:DA*H changed LIB:STAFF changed HASP:HASP.D changed LSPX:XLISP.MAKE new HASP:HASP.D*SAL new MAC:MAKEFILE new HASP:HASP.T changed MAIL:CMDMACLIB changed HASP:HASP*SAL changed MAIL:EXPLAINFILE changed HASP:HASPSTAT changed MAIL:MAKEFILE changed HASP:HASPSTAT.D changed MAIL:MCLS.SKELS changed HASP:MAKEFILE new MAIL:MESSAGEDUP changed + _ HASP:QUESCAN changed MAIL:MGR new HASP:QUESCAN.D changed MAIL:MGRSTAT new HELP:CMDMACLIB new MAIL:MMGR new HELP:FSHELPER changed MAIL:MMGRSTAT new HELP:MAKEFILE new MAIL:MSGUTIL*O changed HELP:MAKEFILE>SD new MAIL:MSUB.SKELS changed HOST:CMDMACLIB new MAIL:PURGE.LOG new HOST:COPY*SQL new MCP:TRS13.DOC changed HOST:DSPENV*SQL new MINI:GENASMUSELOG changed HOST:ECHO new MINI:MAKEFILE new HOST:ECHOSERV new MLDB:CMDMACLIB new HOST:FTP*SQL new MM:MAKEFILE new HOST:HIM*SQL new MM:SEHLMACLIB new HOST:IO*OL new MNET:AUTH changed HOST:IO*SQL new MNOP:CONSOLE(1,999) changed HOST:IP.MAKE new MNOP:MACLIB changed 1 14 - MNOP:11LOAD(1,999) changed PCP:ANMINOS changed MNTR:DUMP*OA changed PFIO:HPGLPLOT.MAK changed MNTR:ENVSW*OA changed PLOG:MAKEFILE new MNTR:GETFREE*OA changed PLUS:CLP.MAKE changed MNTR:MAKEFILE changed PLUS:CMDMACLIB changed MNTR:MAKEFILE>SD new PLUS:CSL.MAKE new MNTR:MNTR*OA changed PLUS:LIBGEN changed MNTR:ONUNIT*OA changed PLUS:LIBGEN.MAKE new MNTR:PRVI*OA changed PLUS:LIBLIST changed MNTR:RESLCSPR*OQ new PLUS:MAKEFILE changed MNTR:SERVICE*OA changed PLUS:MISC*OL changed MNTR:SYNCWAIT*OA changed PLUS:MISC*SQL changed MNTR:UCRTNTAB*OA changed PLUS:NEWCCENDJUNK changed MNTR:UNITNODE*OA changed PLUS:OBJRTNS*OL changed MNTR:WAIT*OA changed PLUS:OBJRTNS*SQL changed MTA:CLEANMSG*O* changed PLUS:OBJ68AMI new MTA:COPYMAC changed PLUS:OBJ68MDS new MTA:DMGRSTAT.DIF new PLUS:OBJ68MPW new MTS.:BROADCST new PLUS:PLUS*PTK changed MTS:BUFSTAT*OA changed PL1:DWB*CML new MTS:CKID.MAKE changed PL1:MAKEFILE new MTS:CMDMACLIB changed PMF:MAKEFILE new MTS:CONSOLE changed POST:CMDMACLIB changed MTS:CREP changed POST:MAKEFILE changed MTS:LISTSTAT changed POST:NMARCHIVE new MTS:MAKERULES new POST:SCHEDULE changed + _ MTS:MAKERULESU new POST:SITEBUILD*O changed + _ _ MTS:MAKEFILE new PSEE:MAKEFILE new MTS:MAKEMACLIB new PSYS:MAKEFILE new MTS:MTS#CML changed RATF:MAKEFILE new MTS:PRINTDUMP changed REPL:MAKEFILE new MTS:TTTABLES#SA changed RMGR:CMDMACLIB new MTSS:CMDMACLIB changed RMGR:INSTMAN*WP new MTSS:MAKEFILE changed RMGR:MAKEFILE new NASD:MAKEFILE changed RMGR:MAKEFILE>SD new NET:CODE.MAKE new RMGR:MTSMSGLING new NET:CODE*O new RMGR:OLG.MAKE new OPER:CMDMACLIB new RMGR:OPR*WP new PAGE:CCTDEFS#SD new RMGR:RFC82X*SQL new + _ PAGE:CCTBUILD new RMRD:MAKEFILE new PAGE:CMDMACLIB changed RMRD:RAMROD*PF changed PAGE:FNTCMDMAC changed RSTR:AUTOREST*OA changed PAGE:FRMBUILD new RSTR:DEADSAVE*OA changed PAGE:M.GR*DQL changed RSTR:FASTREST*OA changed PAGE:M.PAGEPR*O changed RSTR:FASTRSTR*OA changed PAGE:M.PAGEPR*SQL changed RSTR:FS*SAL changed PAGE:MAKEFILE new RSTR:FSMAIN*OQ changed + _ PAGE:P.GR*DQL changed RSTR:FSRELAB*OA changed PAGE:PAGEPR.LCS changed RSTR:FSTAPECOP*OA changed PAGE:PAGEPR*O changed RSTR:LFSRESTAR*OA changed PAGE:PAGEPR*SQL changed RSTR:LISTER*OA changed PAGE:X97CMDMAC changed RSTR:MAKEFILE changed PCP:AAMINOS changed RSTR:MERGE*OA changed PCP:ABMINOS changed RSTR:OLFSTEST*OA changed PCP:ADMINOS changed RSTR:ONLINEFS*OA changed PCP:AEMINOS changed RSTR:REGENERAT*OA changed 1 15 - RSTR:RST changed SEG2:LCSLCS new + _ RSTR:RSTFMT0*OA changed SEG2:LCSPRLCS new + _ RSTR:RSTMOUNT*OA changed SEG2:LOWSYM changed RSTR:SCANFILE*OA changed SEG2:MACRTNS changed RSTR:TAPEOUT changed SEG2:MESSSUBS changed RSTR:TAPEOUT*OA changed SEG2:MESSSWS changed RSTR:TAPEVIEW*OA changed SEG2:MM new RSTR:TSNCMD changed SEG2:MM.TBLS new RSTR:VTOCREAD*OA changed SEG2:MMGRSUBS new SCP:SCPLOAD changed SEG2:MTACCTNG new SCP:SCPTABLE changed SEG2:MTSSERV new SDS.:MAKEFILE new SEG2:NALCMDMACLIB new SEG2:ASMH.V2 changed SEG2:NALMAP changed SEG2:CCTTABLE new SEG2:NALMAP changed SEG2:CHECKANS new SEG2:NALMAP changed SEG2:CLSCOPY changed SEG2:NASFILES.RM changed SEG2:CLSCREATE changed SEG2:NASFILES1 changed SEG2:CLSDESTROY changed SEG2:NASFILES2 changed SEG2:CLSDISPLAY changed SEG2:NASFILES3 changed SEG2:CLSDUMP changed SEG2:NASFILES4 changed SEG2:CLSDUPLICATE changed SEG2:NASLOAD changed SEG2:CLSEDIT changed SEG2:NASTRTNS new SEG2:CLSEMPTY changed SEG2:NETENV new SEG2:CLSFILEMENU changed SEG2:NEWCLSLOCKST changed SEG2:CLSFILES changed SEG2:OBJUTIL changed SEG2:CLSFSMESS changed SEG2:ONESHOT changed SEG2:CLSFTP new SEG2:PAGEPR changed SEG2:CLSHELP new SEG2:PASCALJB changed SEG2:CLSINFO new SEG2:PASCALJBLIB changed SEG2:CLSLIST changed SEG2:PASCALVS changed SEG2:CLSLOG changed SEG2:PASCALVSLIB changed SEG2:CLSMAKE changed SEG2:PERSUB changed SEG2:CLSMESSAGESY changed SEG2:PIPEDSP new SEG2:CLSMOUNT changed SEG2:PLUS changed SEG2:CLSNET changed SEG2:PLUS68 new SEG2:CLSPEEK changed SEG2:PL1FLIB changed SEG2:CLSPERMIT changed SEG2:PRINTMAP*OA changed SEG2:CLSRENAME changed SEG2:PRINTNMAP*OA new SEG2:CLSSET changed SEG2:RMCLSSSTA new SEG2:CLSTRUNCATE changed SEG2:RMGRLOAD new SEG2:CMDSERV changed SEG2:RMOPR new SEG2:CMS new SEG2:RMSRVLOAD new SEG2:C87 new SEG2:SCREENRTNS changed SEG2:DSPDSR new SEG2:SITEROUTINES changed SEG2:DSPLOAD new SEG2:SYMLOAD new SEG2:EDITSUB new SEG2:S2L changed SEG2:FIX changed SEG2:TAPECATRTNS new SEG2:FMTABLE new SEG2:TAPERTN new SEG2:FNTRTN new SEG2:TIMERTNS changed SEG2:FORUM changed SEG2:TLNTDSP new SEG2:FRMTABLE new SEG2:TRMTYP new SEG2:FSHELP changed SEG2:TRTABLES changed SEG2:HIMDSPS new SEG2:UDROUTINES changed SEG2:IF66 new SEG2:VIRTFILE changed SEG2:IF77 new SEG2:VSF2COMP new SEG2:IG changed SEG2:VSS new 1 16 - SEG2:VSSCMS new TSTP:$PRJDIRECTOR new SEG2:WTABLE new TSTP:$PROJECT new SFIL:DEFINITIONS new TSTP:%ACCOUNTING new SLID:MAKEFILE new TSTP:%ACCOUNTINGX new STRT:MMS new TSTP:%ACCOUNTING1 new STRT:MNS changed TSTP:%ACCOUNTING2 new SYS:AMXEREP new TSTP:%ACCOUNTING3 new SYS:AUTOHASP changed TSTP:%ACCOUNTING4 new SYS:BADDEVS changed TSTP:%ACCOUNTING5 new SYS:CCP changed TSTP:%PROJECT new SYS:CCPINIT changed TSTP:CKID.ACCESS new SYS:CHCHK changed TSTP:CKID.LOG new SYS:CLOCKWATCHER changed TSTP:CKID.PURGE new SYS:CMDTAPE changed TSTP:CKID.SIG new SYS:DWBLOCK new TSTP:CLK.MASTER new SYS:EREP.MAC new TSTP:CMDMACLIB new SYS:FIXFEP changed TSTP:DCK new SYS:HLOG changed TSTP:FORUM.MASTR1 new SYS:HUH changed TSTP:FORUM.MASTR2 new SYS:ITX changed TSTP:HSP changed SYS:JSTCMD new TSTP:HS88010100 new SYS:MSDM*OG changed TSTP:IPL.MP changed SYS:MSSCN changed TSTP:IPL.370 changed SYS:OLG new TSTP:IPL.4K changed SYS:OLG*H new TSTP:IPL.64 changed SYS:PIDENT changed TSTP:LAS changed SYS:PLOTSTAT new TSTP:MAIL.FIREFIG new SYS:PLT51 changed TSTP:MAKEFILE new SYS:RMOPR new TSTP:MESSAGES changed SYS:RMSCMD new TSTP:MESSAGES new SYS:SDM changed TSTP:MMGR.LOCK new SYS:STATSAV*OG changed TSTP:MMGR.LOG new SYSU:CSTP2XA*OA new TSTP:NAL7 changed SYSU:MAKEFILE new TSTP:NASFILES5 changed SYSU:NAS.MAKE changed TSTP:NASFILES6 changed SYSU:NASTEST changed TSTP:NASFILES6.UM changed SYSU:PRMBLK new TSTP:NASFILES7 changed SYSU:PRMBLK*OA new TSTP:NETLOG.BIT new SYSU:SUMMPRT#SG changed TSTP:NETLOG.EXP new TAPE:CROSS TSTP:NETLOG.IMP new TSTP:RATEFILE changed .#SQ new TSTP:REMOTE.DIR new TAPE:MAKEFILE new TSTP:SITETABLE changed TAPE:TPR.LOG new TSTP:SVWCMD changed TAR:MAKEFILE new TSTP:S2FILES changed TMTS:LOADMTS changed TSTP:S2FILES new TMTS:POSTIPL changed TSTP:S2FILES new TMTS:POSTIPL2 new TSTP:S2FILES.UM changed TNGO:MAKEFILE new TSTP:S2FILES.UM new TSTP:$ACCOUNTING new TSTP:S2FILES.UM new TSTP:$ACCOUNTINGX new TSTP:S2L changed TSTP:$ACCOUNTING1 new TSTP:TAPEMASTER new TSTP:$ACCOUNTING2 new TSTP:TPTABXA#SA new TSTP:$ACCOUNTING3 new TSTP:TPTAB370#SA new TSTP:$ACCOUNTING4 new UD$.:MAKEFILE changed TSTP:$ACCOUNTING5 new UD$.:UDMASDUPLOG new + _ 1 17 - UMPS:CLRPROF new UMPS:CMDMACLIB new UMPS:DBJP changed UMPS:IPLGTUM*OA changed UMPS:IPLINIT*OA changed UMPS:IPLREAD*OA changed UMPS:MAKEFILE new UMPS:PDPBUG changed UMPS:PISTLE*WF changed UMPS:PRINTDUMPXA changed UMPS:PRINTDUMP370 changed UMPS:PRNTCNTS changed UMPS:PTRACEXA*OA changed UMPS:PTRACE370*OA changed UMPS:RESSYS*WF changed UMPS:SAVEPROF new UMPS:SVC*PX changed UMPS:UBTSTTAB*OA new UMPS:UMLOAD*OA changed UMPS:UMTABLES#SA changed UMPS:UMTSTTAB*OA new UNSP:COUNTW changed UNSP:HASPLOG changed UNSP:TAPEDRIVS*OA changed UNSP:TESTIO changed VMXA:MAKEFILE new VMXA:VMCMD*OQ new VMXA:VMP new VMXA:VMPRINT new WSCV:MAKEBINHEX new WSCV:MAKEPAINT new W013:MAKEFILE new W030:CREBATEX changed W030:MAKEFILE new W030:PLOTSTAT new W052:IEHMOVE.MAKE new W052:MAKEFILE new W062:LBLSNIFF.MAK new W062:MACSCAN.MAKE new W062:MACUTIL.MAKE new W062:SRCHSORT.MAK new W930:MAKEFILE changed 1 18 - Many resident system object decks have been changed, renamed, added, or deleted relative to the MTS/5.1 system. The following is a list of all the decks in the MTS/6.0 XA Starter System (in *IPL.MP) and an indication if they have been changed, renamed, or added since MTS Distribution 5.1. MTS/5.1 decks which have been deleted in the MTS/6.0 resident system are also indicated. Decknames ending in ".XA" will be different in the 370 version of MTS. - ACCSUB new DSRS changed ASTATSUB DSTYPE changed BINEBCD DUMP.XA changed,renamed BJPMOD changed DYS...................deleted BLOKLETR changed E_ATTN new BLSTDEV E_IO new BROADCST changed E_QUIT new BUFALLOC changed E_TIMER new CACHTABL new ECORE new CARDUC changed ENDSEG0 new CAT changed ENDSEG2 CCDEFS changed EXIT changed CCHSUBR...............deleted FAKE_DISK_MANAGER CCSYMBOL changed FBJTJL changed CCTB FBUILDPM new CFDUB FEPI new CHARGE................deleted FESNIFF changed CHECKFE changed FIDCQ changed CLOCKFIX new FLINE changed CLOCKSET.XA new FNAMETRT..............deleted CLPARSER new FNDJTL changed CLPLCS new FSUB changed CMDBXLE new GATE changed CMDS changed GETD changed CMDSTAT changed GETFINF changed CONFIG.CARD.COMMENTS new GETRATES changed CONFIG.CARD.MP change,renamed GUINFO new CONFIG.MP changed,renamed GUINFTBL new CONSIO.XA changed,renamed G11 CONSOLE.XA new ICOSTTAB changed COST..................deleted IGFC60................deleted CVTOMR IGFC70................deleted DEVCTRL new IGFC80................deleted DISTGATE.NCA changed IGF00470..............deleted DJDE9700 changed IGF00580..............deleted DMGR_DISKXF changed IGF01470..............deleted DMGR_DISPATCH changed IGF01580..............deleted DMGR_ENDJUNK new INFO..................deleted DMGR_ITSKXF changed INITJE changed DMGR_LOCK changed INTERPROC new DMGR_MAIN changed INTERTSK.XA changed,renamed DMGR_MISC changed ITBRDCST new DMGR_MNTR changed ITGETMSG new DMGRSTAT changed ITJOB changed DSRDUMMY new ITNET new DSRI changed JBRP changed 1 19 - JMSGTDR new PUNUC changed JOBDUMP P11 JOBLIST new QJOBENTR new JOBLST.ENTRIES........deleted QJOBLIST new JOBLST.HEAD...........deleted QN....................deleted JOBLST.TAIL...........deleted RATEVEC changed JOBS changed READ changed JOBSTA changed REDL changed JULGRG_RTNS RESLCSPR new KWIC changed RMJOBLIST new LDT.CARD RNBR changed LLXU changed RSF changed LOWCORE.DEFS.MP change,rename RWSE changed MCHCCH.MP changed,renamed SDUMP changed MCHCRW new SEGMENT.CARD MCHSUBR...............deleted SEG0.NCA MONITOR_DUMP new SEG0_HIGH_ADDRESS new MONITOR_ENDJUNK new SEG0_LOW_ADDRESS new MONITOR_ENVSW new SEG0.NCA.TABLES.......deleted MONITOR_GETFREE change,rename SEG1.NCA MONITOR_LCSPR new SEG1_HIGH_ADDRESS new MONITOR_MNTR changed SEG1_LOW_ADDRESS new MONITOR_MTSPGNTU new SEG1.NCA.TABLES.......deleted MONITOR_ONUNIT change,renamed SIGNONM MONITOR_PGNTUNIT new SMDSTBL changed MONITOR_PRVI changed,renamed SOFTCHK MONITOR_SERVICE changed SPELLCHK changed MONITOR_SYNCWAIT new SSCN new MONITOR_UCRTNTAB changed SSRTN.XA changed,renamed MONITOR_UNITNODE change,rename STARTUP/SHUTDOWN changed MONITOR_WAIT changed STATBUFF MOVE STATJOB changed MSG changed STATSUB changed MTS changed STATSW changed MTSBATCH new STDDMP changed MTSCAT new STOPJOB changed MTSINIT new STOR changed MTSMACI new SYSDEFS.XA changed,renamed MTSSTOR new TABLES.MP changed,renamed MXFRTN TABLMOD changed NASRTNS new TABLRTN changed ONLINE/OFFLINE.XA change,renam TASKS changed OPEN changed TASKSTAT changed OPERATOR changed TBLS chnaged PATH_DEVICE.XA change,renamed TIME new PATRN new TIMECONV changed PDP.DM changed,renamed TIMT..................deleted PER.XA new TIMZONTB PICTURE changed TN....................deleted PLIM changed TPMOVE changed PLUS_LINKAGE new TRAK changed PLUS_RESLIB new TRTABLES_RES PLUS_TIME new TR3270 changed PN/QN/TN changed,renamed TTTABLES changed PRINTLAW new T11 PTRUC UCDISK changed 1 20 - UCTAPE changed UCTVSYNC changed UC3270 new UC3284 UC3330 changed UMLOAD changed UMLOADTV UMMPS.MP changed,renamed UNITS.XA changed,renamed USUB changed UTIL new VOLG changed WRIT changed XASCEBC new