
BMDP Control File Writer, Version: July 1979

Author: Dr. John S. Abma. Wittenberg University

Operating System: RSTS/E V6C

Source Language: BASIC-PLUS, Memory Required: 16K, Other Software Required: BMDP Computer Programs (Available thru: Software Development, Inc., Middlebury College, P.O. Box 500, Middlebury, VT 05753)

Abstract: Beginning users of BMD on the time-sharing computer find it difficult to construct control files using the system editor. First, they must understand BMD rather well, for the analyses they want: and second, they must know an editor. The system editor EDT is convenient for experienced users. but might be an obstacle to those who would like to use BMD.

SETBMD provides for interactive creation of BMD control files for some of the most-used BMD analyses. Help files are available for most choice points. The user's responses to questions are formatted appropriately for a BMD control file. A rudimentary line-oriented editor is provided for the resulting BMD control file within the SETBMD program. Mistakes can be corrected without using a system editor.

INSTALLATION: Place the BMD programs, the SETBMD program and all the HELP??.BMD files in one account. Associate that account with the system logical name BMD:. Or. you can call it anything you want. but then the program SETBMD will have to be edited to access the HELP files. SETBMD and the HELP files should have <40> protection code (or <104> if compiled). Try it. you may like it!

Documentation on magnetic media.

Media (Service Charge Code): 600' Magtape (MA). or order the following Library packages listed on "Special RSTS Packages" page (Section 2 (2.3)):RSTS11-LIB-2 or RSTS11-DK-7

FilenameSize (kbytes)
HELP01.BMD 1.0
HELP02.BMD 1.0
HELP03.BMD 1.0
HELP04.BMD 1.0
HELP05.BMD 1.0
HELP06.BMD 1.0
HELP07.BMD 1.0
HELP08.BMD 1.0
HELP09.BMD 1.0
HELP10.BMD 0.5
HELP11.BMD 1.0
HELP12.BMD 1.0
HELP13.BMD 1.0

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Tim Shoppa [email protected]
Last Modified: 11-Feb-2000